Bowei Tian 田博为

Bowei Tian 田博为

Incoming Ph.D. student

University of Maryland, College Park


I am an incoming Ph.D. student this fall in the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD). I received my bachelor’s degree from Wuhan University, School of Cyber Science and Engineering. I’m working as a research intern in Prof. Qian Wang’s NIS&P lab in Wuhan University (WHU). I’m also a research intern in Univerity of California, Irvine (UCI) this summer, advised by Prof. Yanning Shen and Dr. Ruijie Du.

My research interests include AI security, privacy/adversarial ML (backdoor, data poisoning) and computer vision (vision transformers, interpretability).

  • AI Security and Privacy
  • Computer Vision
  • Adversarial ML
  • BSc in Cyber Science and Engineering, 2020-2024

    Wuhan University

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University of California, Irvine
Research Intern
University of California, Irvine
June 2023 – Present California
Guided by Prof. Yanning Shen and Dr. Ruijie Du in UCI Shen’s Lab.
Wuhan University
Research Intern
Wuhan University
September 2021 – Present Hubei
Guided by Prof. Qian Wang in NIS&P Lab.
